What Is My Aura Colour? How to Read and See Your Aura

Every living being is surrounded by an electromagnetic field – an aura.

Have you ever wondered what colour your aura is, and what it says about you?

After reading this short post, you will learn two ways to find out the answer to the question:

What is my aura colour?

How to find out your aura colour

In the video above I share two ways to find out your aura colour. The first one is Kirlian photography, which Russian scientists have been using to study auras for the last 50 years.

The second method is an exercise you can do at home in less than 10 minutes.

Even vegetables have auras! Kirlian aura photos of raw vs cooked vegetables.

Aura colours and their meaning

The descriptions of aura colours below will give you a general insight into the interpretation of your aura.

Bear in mind that no living creature emits only one aura colour, but one colour can be dominant over all others. 

Also remember that not all meanings of colours are relevant all at once, there is very much a range of meanings. 

Blue: People with blue auras tend to be strong, calm, caring, nurturing and intuitive. If it is a very strong blue light you might have psychic abilities. Blue is the colour of the throat chakra, which is all about self-expression and communication.

Purple/violet: If your aura is predominantly purple or violet then you are probably sensitive, sensual and spiritual. Violet relates to the pineal gland and nervous system. 

Indigo: Rare colour. Daydreamer, curious, imaginative, gentle and introvert. They tend to feel different and can struggle with self-esteem. People with predominantly indigo auras are here on Earth to help wake people up and raise the vibrations of the collective consciousness.

Green: Social, good communicators, organizers, impatient, trustworthy and perfectionists. Green frequencies resonate with the vibration of the heart chakra, which is the center of healing and personal growth.

Yellow and gold: Playful, creative, friendly, laidback, avoids conflict, positive and mentally alert. The more closer the colour is to gold, the more philosophical is the person.

Orange: Energetic, competitive, creative, and brave. Common amongst athletes. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which relates to creativity, sensuality, and emotions.

Red: Fearless, hard worker, passionate, active, realistic, impulsive, strong-willed and straightforward. Red is the colour of the root chakra, which is related to your connection with Earth, the physical body, and the material world.

White: Rare and usually only seen in people with highly developed spiritual awareness, such as yogis/gurus.

3D kirlian photo of my aura, taken at Dimensions Healing’s stand at Harmony Expo, Stockholm 2018.

Final words

We can learn so much from studying our aura, everything from our personality to our state of health. We have only scratched the surface on what an aura is and shows about you, but hopefully your curiosity has been sparked.

Aura colours can also change over time, depending on your life events, situations and emotional state.

Don’t worry if you can’t see your aura colour(s) just yet, the exercise mentioned takes a lot of patience and concentration to succeed with.

What do you think is your aura colour? Let me know in the comments below!


Picture of Julia Lundin

Julia Lundin

Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps spiritual seekers manifest their dream life and purpose. Read more about Julia Lundin...

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