I’ve realized that what I do before sleep has a huge impact on how productive my tomorrow is.
Today I will share some evening routine ideas for you.
I truly believe this is the ultimate evening routine, and can be done even when you’re on the road.
Every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after midnight.
Going to bed early, before 10:30pm is also essential for healthy hormones, I learned from my health coach. Problem is – I’m a total night owl.
So she helped me come up with an evening routine to induce sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.
Let’s get into it!
Table of Contents
The Best Evening Routine for Productivity
- Prepare for tomorrow
- Self-care
- Read a book
- Meditation
- Hypnosis
Before you start, I recommend you go to Settings in your phone and schedule in so your phone’s Do Not Disturb mode automatically switches on every evening when it’s time for your evening routine.
1. Prepare for tomorrow
First I take a look at my calender. I use an app called Cal, it’s easy to use and I love the minimalistic design.
If there’s anything on today’s agenda that I didn’t have time (= was too lazy) to do I move the task to tomorrow.
Then I add tomorrow’s to-dos if I haven’t already. If I’m checking out from my room the morning after, I pack my bag and put the check-out time in my calender.
2. Self-care
I ask myself: What does my body need tonight?
If I feel stiff I do some stretching or yoga, if I didn’t shower in the morning I take a shower. If I’ve had a stressful day or feel cold I take a bath, if there’s a bathtub. If I’m having a bad skin day I put on a face mask.
When I’m home in Stockholm I have more options – dry brushing, a warm oil massage or lie down on my acupressure mat.
3. Read a book
Any book you enjoy will do, but stay away from business books or murder mysteries (= every Swedish novel). Remember, we do this to wind down and get sleepy.
4. Meditation
I sit in my bed, close my eyes and take four deep breaths.
The first breath I relax my body, second breath I clear my thoughts, third breath I clear my emotions and fourth breath I surrender and stay open to whatever comes up.
I then imagine myself sitting on a beach looking out into the ocean, watching the waves.
I usually meditate for 5-10 minutes.
One of my favourite guided meditations is The 6 Phase Meditation by Mindvalley.
Some evenings I just observe my breath. Choose whatever meditation works for you.
5. Hypnosis
The best time to effectively reprogram your brain is in the state between awake and asleep.
Last step in my evening routine is therefore to go to bed, put in my headphones and listen to a hypnosis on Youtube. There is a hypnosis for everything – for business success, confidence, deep sleep, self-love etc.
One of my favourites is Michael Sealey’s hypnosis below.
There you go, hope this was helpful. I’d love to hear – do you have an evening routine and if so, what does it look like?
This Post Has 3 Comments
Much Thanks for the Tips, This is EPIC! 🙂
Så bra tips!????
Blir kul att följa din blogg Julia!????
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