What Does Remote Work Mean? The Ultimate Work From Home Guide

Remote work allows you the freedom of choosing your workplace.

It is the perfect solution for those of us who work better in our chosen environment.

You are able to decide which locations inspire your best work, while alleviating the chaos of the morning commute to the office.

When you make the transition to working remotely, excess energy becomes available due to the removal of unwanted stresses from your life.

There is an abundance of positive aspects that can result from remote work.

But exactly what does remote work mean? In this post, you will learn everything you need to know.

In the past, the ideal of employees working from their home or a cafe would have seemed unrealistic. Now, thanks to modern technology, it is a distinct possibility.

That’s the reason I’ve written this detailed guide full of remote working tips, to show you how to make it a reality in your life.

Imagine waking up and knowing that you can do your job from basically any location that you choose. The world becomes your office space!

People often have the belief that working remotely is out of their reach, or unlikely to be facilitated by their employers.

But mark my words, it IS possible! If you absorb and implement all of the information in this post, there will be very little risk involved in the transition to remote work, and huge rewards.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Remote Work?

Remote work is a style of working which allows an employee to do their job outside of an office environment.

It is a concept which allows professionals to create the most efficient harmony between work and personal lives.

The rapid increase in modern technology has made working from home a possibility, and one which is arguably more effective than a working in a traditional workplace.

The Ultimate Work From Home Guide

Thanks to the digital age, it is no longer necessary to be confined to an air-conditioned office for eight hours per day in order to complete work.

Communication is instant.

Projects can be completed from the comfort of our home or a setting of our choice. With a good internet connection, the world can become your work space. These are just a few of many remote work benefits.

For many people, the commute to work is a dreaded period of the day. Waking up early, rushing to beat the traffic, being exposed to so much stimuli first thing in the morning.

It seems apparent that this routine would hinder our productivity, and have a negative effect on our enthusiasm. Thankfully, many industries are recognising this fact. This is where remote work comes in!

Not all remote workers are employed by companies, though. Freelancing is a great way to work from home, whilst being in complete control of your own schedule.

There is no denying that an environment can either inspire us, or have the opposite effect. Working from the comfort of your own home can keep you connected to the flow of creativity throughout the day.  

Remote work is rapidly growing in popularity, and could eventually become the reality for the majority of people.

Me and two other freelancers at Workaction’s coworking retreat in Marbella, Spain.

Here are 10 signs that remote work is well suited to you

1. You enjoy freedom

Some people need structure to keep them on track. Others prefer to have a sense of freedom to their days.

If you find yourself feeling confined and trapped by working in the same setting day after day, then remote work is a way to alleviate that tension.

You enjoy a sense of freedom; and repetition can lower your energy over time. Choosing your work setting and having the ability to change it is a great solution to this problem. 

2. You work better in peace and quiet

Offices and busy workplaces can distract you from your work.

You feel that you are less productive when you can hear other people’s conversations in the background, or the constant tapping on keyboards.

If you become overwhelmed by the hectic nature of being crammed into office cubicles with other people, the chances are you would be better suited to working in solitude.

You probably find that small-talk with co-workers distracts you from the task at hand. It can deplete your energy and make it hard to focus.

Due to your love for serenity, you breathe a sigh of relief when you leave your current workplace. For you, the peace and quiet is an antidote to the unrest you feel at work.

The sound of birds outside or the gentle rhythms of the rain on your window bring you a sense of inner peace. When you are peaceful, you are open to creativity.

3. Morning commutes cause you stress

You may find that the most stressful part of your day is the morning. There’s the frantic rush to get ready, the unreliability of the traffic or trains.

There’s the endless sea of people pacing toward their destination with a grim determination.

The combination of these things can take away your energy and inspiration.

Imagine trading that for a calm, serene start to the day. Your commute is now only into the kitchen for a coffee, then you settle into your work with an abundance of energy. If this sounds appealing, you can learn more about how to starting your remote work journey here.

4. You are distracted by other people

You may intend to be productive, but your co-workers have the ability to lead you off track.

You don’t want to upset anyone, so you humour them and go along with the workplace chit-chat.

When you finally get back to work, you are no longer in the head space to be as productive as possible. This is a telling sign that you would be better suited to working from home.

5. You enjoy travelling

Another appealing aspect of remote work is that you can literally go anywhere, providing you have a charger for your laptop and a reliable internet connection.

You might have dreams of earning a living from the comfort of a camper-van, where your back garden changes every day.

You are energised by being on the road, experiencing new things. The beauty of travelling inspires you to work harder because you know it is paying for the next adventure.

If travelling is your passion, you can get my free E-book on Digital Nomad Tools here.

6. You are self-motivated

You are capable of setting yourself a task, and seeing it through.

This is a hugely important aspect of remote work. You must be disciplined enough to stick to your schedule.

You need to be good at managing your own time. You can read some of my tips on creating the perfect morning routine here.

It is easy to get sidetracked if you are working from home, so a professional approach is required to ensure that the jobs get done to a high standard.

7. You love your home

You get a feeling of comfort when you are in your home. Being in your own space revitalises you, and the psychological stresses of life drift away.

The rooms are all decorated to suit your tastes. You can look out into the garden or see the pictures of loved ones on the mantelpiece.

If you enjoy being in your home, you are more likely to enjoy working there.

Your environment plays a prominent role in your productivity, and mood. You can focus better in the familiar setting of your own home.

8. You communicate better through writing

You may find that face-to-face conversations with managers or supervisors never seem to go the way you want them to.

You struggle to think on the sport and find it hard to articulate your ideas in the chaotic workplace.

You express yourself more effectively when you write.

You like to receive instructions, get stuck in and ask for help if you run into an obstacle.

Remote work solves most of these problems. It allows you to communicate through emails, and gives you the time needed to thoroughly consider the points you are trying to make.

9. You don’t get easily distracted

One of the potential pitfalls of remote work is the temptation to distract yourself.

If you are working in a cafe and an old friend walks in, you need the discipline to say “sorry I can’t catch up right now, I’m working.”

To work remotely, you need the self discipline required to avoid distractions, and save the fun for after the work is completed.

 10. You have other ambitions

You might have a passion which you are trying to grow into a career.

The workplace leaves you devoid of energy so you aren’t making the progress you would like.

The peace of mind that working remotely would bring you could be the catalyst to start progressing with your goal.

Law of attraction states that feeling positive is vital when it comes to manifesting your desires. If you are burnt out after leaving work, it’s hard to be positive; therefore you block your desires from coming into your reality through resistance.

You see your current job as a stepping stone to something better. You are grateful for what it provides, but there is a deeper purpose to your existence.

You know that with the right mindset, time and enjoyment, your side-hustle could develop into the vocation you’ve always dreamed of.

Remote work could remove unnecessary stresses from your life and consequently inspire you to take action towards bringing your desires into your physical reality.

How do I permanently ask for remote work?

Convincing your boss to allow you to work from home may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. It is a good idea to suggest a trial period, and let them know that if your productivity isn’t up to their standard, you will return to the office. It is then up to you to prove that you can be effective whilst working remotely.

This study provides the remote work statistics which signify that it has a visibly positive effect on workers.

What is needed to work remotely?

All that is required to work remotely is a laptop or computer, a reliable internet connection, and a reachable phone. It really is that simple. You don’t require any other equipment, other than video call software which you have agreed on with your colleagues.

If you are travelling while working remotely, it’s important to ensure that you have access to electricity to charge your devices. Other than that, there’s really not much else that you need to get started.

I also recommend taking nootropics daily. These are basically brain-boosting supplements that quickly puts you in a flow states and keeps you productive and focused throughout the day.

What are the best remote jobs?

Obviously, jobs which require manual labour can’t be done remotely. Jobs which require one-on-one interactions with customers or clients also aren’t suitable. However, the majority of computer based jobs can be done remotely.

Some of the best suited jobs for remote work are:

  • Writing
  • Teaching/Tutoring
  • Marketing
  • Call Centre Jobs
  • Web Design
  • Video Editing
  • Graphic Designing

You may find that certain aspects of a particular job lend themselves to remote work more than others, so splitting the time between working remotely and working in a traditional workspace could be a solution. For more jobs, check out my list of 99 remote jobs and income ideas.

How do I stay productive working from home?

There are many distractions at home – your cat who love sitting on your laptop, Netflix, heck even cleaning is a great way to procrastinate!

In the video below I share my top 6 tips on how to stay productive working from home:


In the ever-changing world, it is becoming clear that remote work is a more efficient, straight forward approach for a variety of jobs.

It not only gives the employees more freedom but is kinder to the environment and helps to prevent the spread of viruses.

As technology improves, and communication from different locations becomes more accessible, this way of working could soon be the norm for a lot of people and industries.

If remote work appeals to you, there’s no reason you can’t make it happen. It may take some determination and self-belief, but if the reward is a happier life, it is well worth it. Hopefully this post has answered the question “What does remote work mean?” and now you can make it your reality.

Do you want to become a remote worker? Check out my free video on how to transition to remote work in 7 simple steps here.


Picture of Julia Lundin

Julia Lundin

Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps spiritual seekers manifest their dream life and purpose. Read more about Julia Lundin...

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Spiritual content should be viewed as being for entertainment purposes only and in no way replaces proper legal, financial or medical advice. Like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. Keep an open mind, but if something doesn’t resonate, please honour that.

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