Do you want a certain person to become obsessed with you?
What if I told you that you can get someone to become totally and uncontrollably obsessed with you (to the point where you are literally the only thing on their mind for a long, long time)?
Sounds too good to be true? Well…
Imagine a world where this person can’t stop thinking about you. Yes, you read that right. Picture this person being drawn to you like a magnet. If you’re craving a specific person’s attention, then you’re in the right place.
Are you ready to discover the secrets of making him obsessed with you only by using the Law of Attraction? Sit back, take your notepad out for some notes, and let’s get started!
Table of Contents
How To Make Him Obsessed With You Using the Law of Attraction
You may have have heard that the Law of Attraction suggests that like attracts like.
When you decide to use the power of your thoughts and emotions, you can manifest exactly what you desire. It’s about letting go of all energy that doesn’t serve you anymore and instead aligning it with your desires to attract what you want into your life.
1: Understanding the Law of Attraction
If you’ve ever felt like there’s a force at play in the Universe, responding to your thoughts and emotions, then the prospect of capturing the attention of a special someone and making them obsess over you isn’t that far from possible.
Manipulating the energy that we give out and receive is the very essence of the Law of Attraction.
According to Cristy Witman, a master-certified law of attraction coach, “the law of attraction stems from the principle that like attracts like.”
Your thoughts and emotions emit vibrations that attract similar vibrations from the Universe. Every thought and feeling you have carries its own energy, which interacts with the energy of the Universe. And this is no different when it comes to thinking about this person – whether it be a crush, a person you’re dating, or your spouse, as if they are already obsessed with you.
If you can relate to wanting to manifest a stronger bond with your partner, have a read at this blog post on 50 manifestation mantras for love.
Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes, while negative thoughts attract negative ones.
To make him obsessed with you, you need to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want, because the Law of Attraction doesn’t differentiate between positive and negative thoughts; it simply responds to the predominant energy you emit.
When you focus on what you want to manifest, you direct the universe’s energy towards bringing it into your life.
Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your energy towards positivity. By appreciating what you have, you signal to the universe that you are open to receiving more blessings, including love and affection.
2: Self-Love and Confidence
Loving yourself is the secret ingredient in the recipe for making him obsessed with you.
Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally are all essential for embodying self-love. So, engage in activities that nourish your soul and make you feel happy and fulfilled.
Interestingly, The National Institute of Mental Health states that “individuals with high self-esteem tend to be more satisfied and successful.”
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself regularly to reinforce positive beliefs about yourself as you start to view yourself with high regard.
As written by Health editor Sarah Vanbuskirk, “high self-esteem is a frame of mind that lets you celebrate your strengths, challenge your weaknesses, and feel good about yourself and your life.”
When you affirm your worthiness of love and affection, you build confidence and attract partners who value and appreciate you.
Many people harbor subconscious beliefs about themselves that sabotage their relationships. Identify and challenge these beliefs to create space for love to enter your life (and make them unable to stop thinking about you).
3: Visualization and Affirmations
Visualization and affirmations are powerful tools for manifesting your desires, including your desire to make a special someone obsessed with you.
Visualization involves imagining yourself in a loving and fulfilling relationship, experiencing all the emotions and sensations associated with it. The more vividly you can picture it, the more real it becomes in your mind.
Affirmations such as “I am worthy of love and affection” or “I attract loving and supportive partners” can help reprogram your subconscious mind to align with your desires.
For those who are curious about using positive self-love affirmations to attract his attention and affection, check out this blog post on affirmations for having unshakeable self-confidence.
Express gratitude for the love and affection you receive from him, even before he enters your life, as this sends a powerful message to the Universe that you are ready and open to receiving him in your life.
4: Energy Clearing and Alignment
Past experiences, especially those involving emotional pain or trauma, can leave energetic imprints. These imprints can create blockages that hinder your ability to get someone to think about you, let alone be obsessed with you.
And so, to attract his attention, it’s essential to heal these old wounds and release emotional baggage. This process frees up space in your energy field, allowing for new, positive experiences to enter.
Looking for ways to better understand the impact of your past and how it shapes your present reality as you know it? Take this free numerology report for a personalized take on how to best overcome circumstances from your past and use them to your advantage.
Meditation is a powerful tool for quieting the mind and connecting with your inner self. Regular practice helps you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, making it easier to identify and release negative energy.
This Japanese technique comes to life with a practitioner channeling energy into the patient to promote physical and emotional healing. It helps remove energy blockages and restore balance.
This practice involves aligning the seven main energy centers (chakras) in the body. Balanced chakras ensure a smooth flow of energy, enhancing your overall well-being and ability to attract love.
If you would like to know why you attract certain people and energies into your life, check out this free moon reading that will give you an insight on what your surroundings perceive, and how you can align yourself with what you truly want to manifest.
Your surroundings can significantly impact your energy. To maintain a high vibration and align with the energy of love, make it your aim to surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you, because positive relationships contribute to a supportive and loving energy field.
Don’t forget to spend time in environments that make you feel peaceful and happy. Whether it’s your home, a favorite park, or a quiet café, being in places that resonate with you positively affects your energy.
5: Setting Intentions and Letting Go
Setting clear intentions and surrendering the outcome to the Universe is a fundamental aspect of making him obsessed with you using the Law of Attraction.
“Writing down your desires helps clarify them in your mind and communicate them to the universe. Be specific about what you want and frame it in a positive light.”
Now, if you wish to learn techniques to align your energy with the relationship you desire, check out this blog post on using the law of assumption to attract his attention and manifest love.
Letting go of control and surrendering to the flow of life allows the Universe to work its magic in unexpected ways. Trust that everything is unfolding as it should, even if it doesn’t happen according to your timeline.
If you’re unsure about how to go about manifesting the reality of someone obsessed with you, check out this YouTube video that explains the 5 levels of manifestation that play a vital role in truly attracting what you want into your life.
Your happiness shouldn’t depend on external circumstances. Focus on creating a sense of joy and fulfillment in your life, independent of whether you’re in a relationship or not, and watch as other people (including your special person) not help but be obsessed with you.
6: Taking Inspired Action
While the Law of Attraction emphasizes the power of thoughts and emotions, taking inspired action is crucial for bringing your desire of making him obsessed with you into reality.
Simply envisioning your goal and feeling positive about them is not enough; you must also act on the opportunities and intuitions that arise along your journey.
Your intuition acts as your inner guidance system, steering you towards actions that align with your desires. It is essential to develop and trust this inner voice, even when the actions it suggests seem daunting or uncertain.
Writing down your thoughts and feelings can clarify your intuition and highlight the next steps, and staying present in the moment allows you to notice subtle nudges from your intuition that you might otherwise overlook.
Now, the Universe often communicates through unexpected opportunities or synchronicities—meaningful coincidences that guide you closer to your desired outcome. Recognizing these signs and being open to them is vital.
So, stay alert to patterns and coincidences that seem too significant to be mere chance, and adopt a mindset that is open to new experiences and opportunities, even if they come in unexpected forms.
8: Create a Vision Board
Visual tools like vision boards can keep your goals front and center, reminding you to take inspired action daily.
Engage with people who share your interests and goals. Networking can open up new opportunities and provide support and inspiration.
Be adaptable and open to changing your plans as new information and opportunities present themselves. Flexibility allows you to pivot and take advantage of unexpected paths.
Aim to be in a state of flow where actions feel effortless and aligned with your desires.
According to transformational coach Avinash Singh, gratitude is the most powerful way to make our visions come to life, as it “is an energy amplifier. It puts us in a powerful manifestation state. The key is to practice gratitude for events and things you are truly grateful for. Spare 10 minutes each day to journal about them.”
Believe that the steps you are taking are leading you towards your goal, even if the progress seems slow. Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. When you are balanced and healthy, you are better equipped to take inspired action.
8: Building Patience and Trust
Patience and trust are essential virtues when it comes to manifesting love with the Law of Attraction.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are lasting, meaningful relationships. Trust that the Universe is orchestrating events in your favor, even if you can’t see it.
This sense of trust can be enhanced by thinking that luck is on your side. To find out how to make luck work for you, read this blog post that details how you can use lucky girl affirmations to attract anything (yes, anything) you’d like to have in your life.
The Universe often works in mysterious ways, sending you signs and synchronicities to reassure you that you’re on the right path. Stay open and receptive to these blessings, even if they come in unexpected forms.
Ultimately, the journey towards manifesting love is as important as the destination. Embrace the lessons and growth opportunities that come your way, knowing that everything is happening for your highest good.
What if he’s not responding to my advances?
If he’s not responding to your advances, it’s essential to respect his boundaries and give him space. Focus on your own growth and happiness, and trust that the right person will come into your life when the time is right.
How can I maintain my energy when things aren’t going as planned?
Maintaining your energy during challenging times is crucial for staying aligned with your desires. Practice self-care, surround yourself with supportive people, and remember that setbacks are temporary detours on the path to your dreams.
What are some signs that the law of attraction is working in my relationship?
Signs that the Law of Attraction is working in your relationship may include synchronicities, increased feelings of love and connection. It also involves a sense of ease and flow in your interactions with your partner.
And there you have it. Ultimately, it’s not just about manipulating your special person’s feelings but rather about tapping into the universal forces that govern our reality and aligning them with our deepest desires (of getting them to become obsessed with you).
Through this process, you can make him obsessed with you and maintain a relationship with him that is authentic, fulfilling, and enduring. Why?
Well, when we prioritize our own well-being and create a deep sense of self-worth, we become magnetic to our special person’s love and affection.
Remaining open to the magic of the Universe means being receptive to the signs and synchronicities that guide us along our path. It’s all about being attuned to the subtle whispers of intuition and following the breadcrumbs that lead us towards our desires.
Sometimes, the Universe speaks to us in unexpected ways, and it’s up to us to listen with an open heart and mind.
Now, as you start your own journey of using the Law of Attraction to make him obsessed with you, I invite you to reflect on your experiences and insights.
How have you witnessed the power of your thoughts, emotions, and actions in attracting someone and making them become obsessed with you? Share your thoughts with me in the comments!