5 Steps to Create the Bucket List of Your Dreams

Are you living the life you want? Bucket lists make you stop and reflect over what you actually want to experience in this life. I think everyone should have one, and here is the 5-step process I used to create my bucket list.

The Ultimate Bucket List

  1. Brainstorm

    Write down everything that comes to mind. Don’t be afraid to dream big. For example, I’ve always dreamt of working at Google, but I thought it was too unrealistic, so sometimes I would remove it from my list and months later change my mind and add it again. And repeat. Eventually I manifested a job at Google in Dublin. Anything is possible. Start with your travel bucket list items, and go from continent to continent. Then think of non-travel things you want to accomplish.

  2. Evaluate

    Now go through them one by one and ask yourself – is this something that is meaningful to me? If it’s not, and just sounds cool or because it’s a common bucket list thing, remove from the list.

  3. Save it in the cloud

    Put your list in a document and save it in OneDrive, Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive or other cloud-based platform so you can access the latest version both on mobile and laptop, and so you won’t loose the file if your laptop gets stolen.

  4. Decorate

    Search for inspiring pictures of your bucket lists items online and insert them in the document. In this way, it becomes like an inspiring vision board too.

  5. Update at any time

    I update my bucket list all the time. Some of my friends see this as “cheating”. I don’t agree. In fact, I think it’s crucial that you update it now and then. I’m not the same person I was 10 years ago when I first created my bucket list. Literally, since our body replaces our cells every 7 years. My values, interests and goals have changed a lot since then. When you have accomplished something on the list, move it to a heading called “Completed”. Done!

Good luck with your bucket list! I hope this was helpful. You can check out my bucket list here.

Now I’d love to hear – what are some things on your bucket list?


Julia Lundin

Julia Lundin

Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Read more about Julia Lundin...

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